Jumat, 27 Februari 2009


. Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
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Tanpa kita sadari Laptop atau lebih dikenal Notebook sudah banyak dipakai oleh
masyarakat..baik oleh bisnisman ataupun mahasiswa..disamping harganya yang
sudah mulai murah..notebook sangat praktis karena bisa dibawa kemanapun,jadi
kita bisa tetap mengakses komputer walaupun berada diluar rumah...apalagi
dikota kota besar sekarang sudah banyak hotspot(area internet).Jadi dengan
berbekal sebuah laptop kita tetap bisa mengakses internet..Tapi masih banyak orang yang tidak mengerti bagaimana untuk merawat Laptop agar
tetap dalam kondisi prima.mereka hanya bisa memakai tanpa memikirkan cara
perawatannya..bagi orang yang memiliki penghasilan lebih Laptop rusak sudah
jadi hal biasa,mereka tinggal membeli yang baru lagi.Tapi bagi orang yang hanya
menyewa(rent),perawatan laptop menjadi hal no 1

Berikut beberapa tips yang dapat kita lakukan agar Laptop tetap dalam kondisi

1.Jangan pernah meletakkan beban yang berat di atas laptop jika kita meletakkan barang barang yang memilki beban berat diatas
laptop,maka dapat menyebabkan goresan pada layar LCD.

2.Hindari meletakkan laptop didalam tas dengan barang yang terlampau penuh
dengan barang-barang..karena akan menyebabkan terjadinya tekanan pada laptop

3.perhatikan kondisi Suhu

Laptop atau notebook tersusun dari aneka komponen elektronik yang kinerjanya
dipengaruhi oleh suhu. Di antaranya, suhu yang terlalu ekstrem, misalnya
terlalu panas atau terlalu dingin, bisa mengganggu kinerja atau bahkan merusak
laptop. Oleh karena itu, hindarkan kebiasaan meninggalkan laptop di dalam mobil
yang diparkir di bawah terik sinar Matahari. Hindari pula laptop berada di
bawah sorot langsung sinar Matahari. Umumnya para produsen merekomendasikan
suhu antara 5 - 35 derajat Celcius. Sementara itu, untuk ketinggian laptop
direkomendasikan bekerja pada ketinggian di bawah 2.500 meter di atas permukaan


Bila Anda akan menyimpan laptop dalam waktu lama (satu minggu lebih), sebaiknya
lepaskan baterai dan simpan dalam tempat yang sejuk dan kering, serta
bersirkulasi udara cukup baik. Taruh silikon gel untuk menghindari jamur.
Begitu ingin menggunakannya kembali, setrum atau isi baterai dengan cara
mengisi dan mengosongkan sepenuhnya sebanyak tiga kali berturut-turut.

5.Hindari medan magnet

Untuk melindungi data yang ada di dalam harddisk, jangan letakkan peranti yang
mengandung medan magnet/elektromagnet kuat di sekitar laptop. Peranti-peranti
penghasil medan magnet, misalnya speaker yang tidak berpelindung (unshielded
speaker system) atau telefon selular. Seandainya Anda ingin mengakses internet
menggunakan fasilitas inframerah pada ponsel, letakkan ponsel dalam jarak
sekitar 15 cm dari laptop.

6.Gunakan stabilizer

Jika Anda sedang bekerja di laptop dengan menggunakan listrik (tanpa baterai),
maka sebaiknya gunakan stabilizer yang bisa mencegah terjadinya tegangan
listrik yang tidak stabil ke laptop Anda.

7.Mematikan dengan benar

Jangan pernah mematikan laptop saat lampu indikator harddisk masih
berkedip-kedip. Kondisi ini menunjukkan hard disk masih aktif. Hilangnya daya
secara tiba-tiba (misalnya saat laptop dimatikan) bisa mengakibatkan kerusakan
data atau gangguan kinerja pada hard disk. Pastikan lampu indikator harddisk
telah mati sebelum Anda men-shutdown laptop.

8.Hindari permukaan terlalu empuk
Jangan letakkan laptop ketika menyala di tempat dengan permukaan yang terlalu
empuk seperti sofa atau kasur, sehingga laptop menjadi terlihat agak tenggelam.
Hal ini sangat berbahaya, karena dapat menghambat keluarnya panas dari dalam
laptop serta menjadikan laptop kepanasan.

9.Engsel monitor
Kalau diperhatikan dengan seksama, di dalam lipatan antara CPU dan monitor LCD
terdapat engsel yang memungkinkan kedua komponen itu dikatupkan satu sama lain.
Perlu disadari bahwa beban terberat dalam suatu laptop adalah pada bagian
engsel tersebut. Oleh karena itu, jangan memberikan hentakan pada saat membuka
monitor sewaktu mau mengaktifkan laptop. Demikian juga sebaliknya, jangan
menutup monitor terlalu keras ketika selesai menggunakan komputer jinjing

10.Jangan membongkar laptop.
Membongkar sendiri laptop atau bukan oleh ahlinya, merupakan tindakan yang
sangat tidak bijaksana. Laptop tidaklah seperti radio atau tape recorder biasa.
Banyak bagian-bagian yang sangat kecil yang dari pabriknya saja sudah dirakit
dengan menggunakan presisi robot. Jika Anda ceroboh, maka laptop Anda bisa
rusak parah. Bawalah selalu laptop yang rusak ke IT atau service center dari
laptop Anda.

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Fles Disc

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A storage media that is very useful for all of us that have a high mobility ... They start with just a flash, we can store various data that we have .. flasddisk addition there are also storage media such as card memory card .. but in the post this time I do not discuss about the memory card .. may dipostingan next ...
flash is now available in various shapes and sizes and a variety of cargo that is calculated with Byte ... for us who do not want to fuss with a flash of big size, we can use the size of the flash mungil.Bahkan now have more flash with the size of thumb ..
Do not think flash does not need treatment .. because if the flash is broken, then the data in the data flash also participate damaged ... See tips tips

1. do not put the flash in close proximity to objects that have strong magnetic fields.

Electronic goods such as TV and mobile phone is not very good for the flash disk. Therefore, it is never in close proximity to save items that have the power of magnets. Sometimes we often forget when putting flash disks and mobile phones in the same place in the bag. So start now, if you flash disk Pingin long-lived, do not save them again in the same place ya?

2. do not try to tercelup in the water, Although there are some brands that claim a waterproof, dissociate from the flash disk touch the water still only step into the most secure. From the data you lost, do not take the risk mild right?

3. perform rituals regularly scan virus anti virus software dangan

The time of the transfer of data or from pc to flash disk, it may not be the only data in the move but also virus-virus which is in the computer. Moreover, if we take and store data from the internet. Oops flash disk, you can be virus-virus gadfly. So, do not forget to perform rituals regularly scan virus with anti-virus software is available.

4. Eject the process always stop before or revoke flash disk from the usb port. In addition to the flash disk can be damaged, do not stop the process or Eject can also affect the files that you store the data in lho.

5. do not put a hot place ... All electronics except flash disk is not very vulnerable to the heat. Moreover, direct sunlight exposure. So do not try to save a hot place and is exposed to direct sunlight. For example, such as leaving the flash disk in the car.

6.hindari impact with hard objects

Try rasain if you fall from the floor 12, you may need to enter the hospital or even go to the home of the future. So also with the flash disk. So keep flash disk you good things from a concussion.

7.tutuplah the USB connector you do not use flash. because a dirty connector can cause the process often fails to read.

Our air and environment full of dust and dirt. If the flash disk socket so we can lead to dirty read the writing process often fails. So always get a dirty close, not even diilangin tutupnya!

8. Minimalisir remove the write -

Just like us, also has a flash disk age lho. This means that when a flash disk can die and we can not be used again. Age flash disk vary, depending on quality and brand of the flash disk itself. Usually between the age of flash disk 10000-100000 remove write process times. So try to minimize the process and also edit directly from the flash disk

.. The tips of my hopefully useful ...

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* Tip caring Harddisk
* Tricks quickly reset the printer jammed / broke down / error manually and using the software

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How to treat cd and dvd

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CD Compact Disk alias has become a common storage medium used to store the data temporarily and can be taken to go everywhere or portable storage media as well as data backup. Although the use of CD rather tergeser by both DVD media but this is still the same only the storage capacity of DVD is superior from a CD but how the storage and treatment remain the same.

There are a few tips CD and DVD

* Tips to buy a CD or DVD that can be written and read not a problem:

Search CD / DVD pemantulnya a layer silver color (silver) or slightly golden, never select a layer pemantulnya colorful (blue, black and red especially) because the reflector layer is involved in reading data from CD / DVD that has been written. CD / DVD is colorful may not have constraints when writing (write) by the CD / DVD burner, but will likely have very difficult time reading (read).
When buying a CD / DVD try to buy the CD / DVD from one brand that we know or have we used before and no problems with the write and read CD / DVD is, do not change, change brands because it is likely some brand CD / DVD burner a slightly "allergic" with some CD / DVD brand-specific brands (munkin if you want to calm some of the manufacturer of CD / DVD burner recommend some brand CD / DVD that didukungnya, see in the handbook in the packaging CD / DVD burner that you buy), if was not forced to buy the CD / DVD that can be used to try to buy the unit, try one and see if the writing and reading when there is an error if not found error banya so-so you buy the CD / DVD is appropriate purposes.

* Tip burn a CD or DVD that can be written and read not a problem:

Fuel / burn CD / DVD that you purchased under the speed maxsimal listed in burner software, never believe maxsimum about the speed of the CD label, although it is written, but after 52X analyzed by CD / DVD burner through the burner is usually the value of software that will write down , the value of writing speeds are not only depending on the CD / DVDnya depending on the brand but the CD / DVD burnernya. Fuel CD / DVD at speed menegahnya or minimum, although this will impact on the length of time the CD / DVD is written, but this will increase the success of the CD / DVD in the successful write / fill in the data.
When you fill in the data CD / DVD does not try to fill the data until full, as this will cause the writing will be long because keriskanan also have a CD / DVD writing to the edge CD / DVDnya and the edge CD / DVD is prone to damage if not properly penyimannnya, and when that happens will cause the CD / DVD can not be read again.

* Tips Caring for CD or DVD that can be written and read not a problem:

Once burned, or try to read CD / DVD saved into a special plastic CD to avoid dust and scratches and re-enter the store special CD / DVD.
Save CD / DVD at a dry and dark, do not try to damp or exposed to direct sunlight because it will damage the reflector layer which affects the CD / DVD can not be read back.
Do not write label CD / DVD to try with a pen and write spidol permanent dilabelnya not too stressed because of the label layer is closer kelapisan reflector and data storage.
Before try to read any CD / DVD dibersikan first part / side is filled with data from the dust, or use a tissue, such as special glasses in order to membersikan not mengores CD / DVD.
To take a CD / DVD do not touch the data side, the most secure use index finger to the hole and enter the CD / DVD fingers to press the CD / DVD kejari inherent and not take falling CD / DVDs with the lifting this is also present when entering CD / DVD from the readers. This is safe because of the sensitive data if maupuan nail scratches by dust and sweat from the hands because it will lower the reading the CD / DVD.

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Hau to treat Hardisc

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Use of Computers that are too long without the care of the owner may cause a performance decrease komputer.liat how to improve computer performance

One of the causes of declining performance of the computer is Harddisk.seperti that we know, hard play significant roles in terms of data storage.

All important data in the data stored in the computer if harddisk.Bayangkan a hard time to be damaged and you have not .. then do the backup data important data you have will vanish seketika.sebenarnya a program that can be used to restore the lost data Download Here ..

Although there is already software-software that can restore the data the data is erased, but I would that we had from the beginning of the first so that it prevents such things will not happen .. like saying a word, Sedia umbrella before the rain ..

How do we do to prevent this is to perform maintenance on the hard drive .. But this is the following

1.Installlah an antivirus to be on guard if there is a virus that will attack and damage to your data .. I can antivirusnya should be routine in the update .. liat list of the latest anti virus here

2.Usahakan to always make backups of data

3.Gunakan scandisk to check whether there batsector the hard disk.

4.selalu do Defragment sunday 2 so that the data once the data in the hard disk is always arranged neatly.

Software 5.Gunakan third party to clean up junk files, duplicate files, and recycle byn .. you can use the System Cleaner

6.Jangan too often pull out and re-install the disk into the CPU .. because Harddisk very sensitiv.jika affected shock, then the data on the hard drive data lost threatened.

7.jangan store data do not unduly banyak.maksudnya free up some hard to live up kylobyte .. but give little space to be hard not too crowded sisakan at least about 20 MB .. if you use a Windows OS will usually show warning if we are damned hard disk is full.

8.uninstall program useful program that is not so hard not to burden

9.Pakailah UPS or Stavolt .. if we use the UPS is when when we are using the computer arrived arrived off the power, the computer will not be directly mati.jadi we can save the first new data arrive dimatikan.Komputer that arrived dead at shutdown without first will make a fast hard disk damaged.

10.ventilasi enough .. do not put the CPU at a crowded or too small .. because it can make the air out so it can not cause the hard drive should be fast panas.Jadi select CPU fan with a lot of places and put a little wide ..

10 quick tips so caring hard .. hopefully after reading these tips your hard drive can be long-lived and not easily damaged

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How to treat heat-printer

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Printer is a tool that is very important unit of your computer. The printer is usually used as printing the desired image to a paper. In general, the printer has a variety of types / type of use of ink, ribbon, toner, and others.
Because the printer is an important tool that we as owners need to be cleaned regularly. In general, most people prefer because of the printer ink costs more practical and not too expensive. Type of printer ink will be practical even though treatment is not easy but if you want your printer is durable. This type of printer to be used as material tintanya easy to dry, or choke on its Head. In general, the printer ink divided into 2 types, namely:
1.Tangki ink that becomes one with his Nose Head (Canon, Hp)
2. The separate ink tanks with his Nose Head (Epson)
To this article, I will discuss printer ink type 1 is a tank tintanya become one with its Head. In general, improvements to one type printer ink is very expensive. Because if its Head, we stopped to purchase a new Head of the price almost the same as the price of the printer itself. Therefore I will give some tips so that your printer is not easily damaged.

For treatment we need some material that is liquid solvents, Head printer, mineral glass, tissue paper, and the needle tool through rubber pipes. Ropes can be seen as follows:
Head 1.Lepas on your printer.
2.Potong mineral glass at 3 cm from the base.
3.Tuangkan Head cleaning fluid on the mineral glass at 5 mm from the base glass.
Head 4.Rendam edge in liquid for 10 ± s / d 15-minute maximum of 2 hours.
5.Letakkan the end of the injection is through the rubber pipe from the air hole and then hisap Head in the air so that little fluid diujung Head terhisap Head into the tank, and then press the air into the tank so that the tip of the ink head is visible in the fluid from the air bubbles in the ink, including the remaining ink in the tank.
6.Setelah many bubbles are out, then the sign is lubangnya Head has returned.
Head 7.Bersihkan edge with tissue paper to dry, including the terminal elektriknya.
Head 8.Letakkan end of the tissue paper on the net. Wind instrument air back into the tank so that the visible ink ink out of the end of the Head and imprint on the tissue.
Head 9.Kemudian crown back on the printer, tried to print the Ready, if not better when cetakannya repeat step 4 until 9 to cetakannya good results.
10.Bila already do not get 5 times the mold has not been good this means that your head has been damaged / can not be repaired again.

Well now you already know how to treat Head on your printer. So if on a printer when you have a problem you do not live under ketempat services but try your own countdown betulkan count to save costs. The article of me

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Computer Tips Now

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1. Defrag hard disk regularly. Defrag function is to arrange and sort files based on the type of hard drive files / data in such a way that will simplify the process of read / write so that the work load will be lighter I can eventually extend the age of hard disk. I click on the Start menu> Programs> Accesories> System Tools> Disk Defragmenter. When running this function may not have other programs included in the screensaver because it will disrupt this function defrag.

2. Activate screensaver Besides the aesthetic, screensaver I have other important functions. Monitor CRT television also use phosphor to display images. If the monitor displays the same image for a while then have a phosphorus burn continuously. This can cause the monitor image problem that is becoming dim / less clear. Like others, if your monitor is LCD, LED fully equipped with energy saving, the screensaver is not needed anymore. + How to activate the screensaver can be done in many ways, one click Start> Control Panel> Display> click the screensaver tab, then select the appropriate taste.

3. Put enough ventilation monitor and CPU in such a way so that the ventilation air to and from the monitor / CPU quite well. Ventilation blind will cause excessive heat so that the components / electronic sets in it will be a fast heat so that it can shorten the age of the components page. Therefore, try to distance between the monitor / CPU with wall / wall at least 30 cm. If you need to install the fan in the room.

4. Use UPS or UPS stavolt.Pakailah power to anticipate the death of sudden you can cause damage to the hard disk. If it had not have UPS, use Stavolt to anticipate the increased voltage drop in power.

5. Close / do not close the program useful Every program you run or load memory (RAM) so that the more programs you run the more memory you tersita. This can cause the computer than running slow (lelet) the work load becomes heavier you can finally cut age component / computer.

6. Install anti-virus program and update regularly To be able to recognize the new virus/trojan2 should update anti-virus program regularly. I terlanjur virus spread in the computer can make you re-install the computer. This is in addition to costs will also cause the disk Ente will be damaged more quickly than if they are not often re-installed.

7. Clean the Recycle Bin rutinSebenarnya file / folder we do not immediately remove from the hard disk lost due ditampung will advance in the Recycle Bin so that the purpose of this in a moment if you still need to return again. Recycle Bin I have a lot of space will also seize the hard drive you can be so hard reading lelet.Caranya run Windows Explorer> click on Recycle Bin> click File> click Empty Recyle Bin Or you can run the Disk Cleanup I click Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools > Disk Cleanup> and then select the drive you want to clean> centangilah after the Recycle Bin option if you also need to check another (such as temporary files, temporary internet files), after clicking OK.

8. Active Speacker Do not put too close to the monitor Because the magnetic fields that exist in the speaker will affect the monitor color monitor to be uneven or mottled.

9. Uninstall the program or do not dispose of useful disk space tersita do too much will slow the process of read / write drive so that the work load will be heavier so that the disk will be damaged quickly.

10. Clean the motherboard & peripherals from dust regularly. At least six months this should be done. Casingnya open first and then clean the motherboard and other peripherals (RAM, Video Card, Modem, Sound Card, CDR / CDRW / DVRW, TV Tuner) with a fine brush. At the time of the computer used does not close the computer (monitor, CPU, keyboard / mouse) with a cover so that dust does not easily enter into the computer.

11. Connect the ground cable. When the casing nyetrum, take the cable with the necessary length, one end of the body associated with the CPU (in case) while the other end of the planting in the ground. This can counteract the flow of electricity you "stray" that it can make a more durable electronic components

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Tips Computer

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Computer at this time is the stuff that needs to be in each side of the main life. Including the MAHAPALA in daily activities using the computer just ngetik, Hear Muzik, nyimpen photos, sampe-sampe nyimpen a film "begituan" (I come ???).

Ngrawat how a computer can be spelled out so-so easy. Difficult for people who stutter technology (gaptek) kayaks are easy to read and Reviews of the article is he ... he ... he. 

Ngrawat how a simple computer there are 2 things that must be observed:

1. Treatment of External (Hardware)
2. In care of (Software)

(kayak cewek aja body treatment)

the computer can be seen as the guy who must be treated, treated more like the word 'sexy' (the word Betawi) and the more I treated the ancur.

1.Treatment of foreign

1.Clean motherboarddanperipheral other regularly

At least six months this should be done. Casingnya open first and then clean the motherboard and other peripherals (RAM, Video Card, Modem, Sound Card, CDR / CDRW / DVRW, TV Tuner) with a fine brush. At the time of the computer used does not close the computer (monitor, CPU, keyboard / mouse) with a cover so that dust does not easily enter into the computer.


Use UPS to anticipate the power of death suddenly can cause damage to the hard disk. If it had not have UPS, use Stavolt to anticipate the increased voltage drop in power.

c. Vetilasi enough

Place the monitor and CPU in such a way so that the ventilation air to and from the monitor / CPU quite well. The less good ventilation will cause excessive heat so that the components / electronic series will be in summer so that it can quickly cut the age component. Therefore, try to distance between the monitor / CPU with wall / wall at least 30 cm. If you need to install AC in the CPU.

d. Never once - once laying goods that have magnetic fields close to the computer

This will cause the color monitor will not be flat or striped - striped because of the influence of magnetic fields in the item.

1.In the treatment of

Deffrag hard disk regularly

Defrag function is to arrange and sort the file - disk file based on the type of file / data in such a way that will simplify the process of read / write so that the work load will be more light that can extend the age of the disk.

I click on the Start menu> Programs> Accesories> System Tools> Disk Defragmenter. When running this function may not have other programs that are running including the screensaver because it will disrupt this function defrag.

2. Enable screen saver

In addition to the aesthetic, screensaver have other important functions. Monitor CRT television also use phosphor to display images. If the monitor displays the same image for some time, the phosphorus that is ongoing. This can cause the monitor image problem that is to be dimmed or less clear. Like others, if your monitor is LCD, the LED is equipped with energy saving, the screensaver is not needed anymore.
+ How to activate the screensaver can be done in many ways, one click Start> Control Panel> Display> click the screensaver tab, then select suit your taste.

3. Close the program that is not useful

Nach is the most often children MAHAPALA lakoni computer I dah pake aja nggak main stay closed longer program.

EH maan ....! each program is loaded or run memory (RAM) so that the more programs you have running the more memory the tersita. This can cause the computer than running slow (lelet) the work load becomes heavier end of the age can be cut or computer components.

4. Install anti-virus program (for which g pake LINUX OS)

To be able to recognize the new trojan virus/trojan- should update anti-virus program regularly. Terlanjur spread the virus in the computer can make you re-install the computer. This is in addition to costs will also cause your hard disk will be damaged more quickly than if they are not often re-installed.

5. Clean recycle bin regularly

Actual file / folder that does not remove us from the hard disk directly lost as it would in the first ditampung Recycle Bin. This is intended to be a time when you still need to restore again. Recycle Bin is that many will seize the hard drive space can cause the hard drive so lelet reading.
I run the Windows Explorer> click on Recycle Bin> click File> click Empty Recyle Bin. Or you can run the Disk Cleanup
I Click Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk Cleanup> and then select the drive that would be> centangilah after the Recycle Bin option would also check the other (such as temporary files, temporary internet files), after clicking OK.

6. Uninstall programs that can kepake

Nach who make the downloader - downloader MAHAPALA that often make a computer goods experiment a new software download. Disk space that is too many will slow the process tersita read / write drive so that the work load will be heavier so that the disk will be damaged quickly.

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